The High Risk of Business Ownership: Why 1 in 12 Businesses Close Every Year

Starting a business is one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences a person can have. But it’s no secret that the odds are stacked against entrepreneurs. According to research, nearly one in every twelve businesses close each year due to an array of factors. From insufficient capital to lack of customer traction, there are numerous reasons why a business may not make it. So, let’s take a look at some of the major factors that can cause your business to fail and strategies for mitigating risk and ensuring success.

Capitalization Issues

One of the key elements to jumpstarting any business is having sufficient capitalization. Without enough money, you won't be able to invest in necessary resources like employees or marketing campaigns that will help you gain traction and secure customers. Furthermore, if you don't have enough working capital, you won't be able to handle any unexpected expenses that may arise during operations. To mitigate this risk, it's important to develop a budget with realistic projections and acquire adequate financing from investors or lenders before launching your business.

Lack of Customer Traction

The most successful businesses are those that provide products or services that people want or need. If your product has no real value proposition or fails to offer something that isn't already available on the market, chances are it won't attract many customers. It's important for entrepreneurs to do their research beforehand by talking with potential customers about their needs and wants so they can build something relevant and attractive from the get go. Additionally, being proactive about marketing your product or service can help draw attention from potential customers who would otherwise never hear about your brand.

Poor Management Practices

Another common reason why businesses fail is due to poor management practices—from poor decision-making skills to inadequate time management techniques—that leave them unable to keep up with daily operations effectively.

In order for entrepreneurs to succeed in managing their own business, they need solid organizational skills and leadership capabilities as well as an understanding of how best they should delegate tasks among staff members while monitoring progress closely throughout the entire process chain. Furthermore, developing strong relationships with vendors and other experts in the industry can also prove beneficial for entrepreneurs looking for guidance along their journey towards success.

An operating framework is even more valuable to a business than a plan, as it outlines accounting strategies, bookkeeping solutions, and CFO advisory services that your company needs in order to move forward. An effective framework should be thoughtfully developed to identify the goals of your business over time and create an actionable strategy for reaching those goals. This effort is essential for success today and also allows future plans to be properly managed and achieved.


Starting a business is never easy but with proper planning and execution it’s possible for entrepreneurs everywhere to achieve success despite obstacles such as insufficient capitalization, lack of customer traction, or poor management practices which can all lead to failure if not addressed adequately before launch date arrives.

As long as entrepreneurs do their research beforehand by examining what people want/need from their product/service as well as preparing adequate financing sources & properly managing operations during normal course of business activities then chances are they'll make it through unscathed! With these strategies in mind hopefully more entrepreneurs will find ways around these risks while still achieving long-term goals & building successful companies!

As your company continues to scale, accounting and bookkeeping are paramount for its continued success. To alleviate the stress of accounting tasks, you should utilize CFO advisory services. This will ensure that accounting is handled properly and efficiently, allowing you to more readily manage the other areas of your business that need tending. Not only does this make accounting easier, it can bring immense value to an organization through careful analysis and constructive advice. With CFO advisory services at your disposable, managing both employees and finances can be done with ease as your business grows.


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